About KDQOL Complete

Happy Flower

Administering the KDQOL-36

The survey takes ~10-15 minutes. Provide pencil or pen. If patients are not sure how to answer, advise them to choose their first response. Verify that all items have been completed prior to scoring. Print and provide the score report to the patient ASAP: rapid feedback improves future participation.

When possible, patients should self-administer the survey. Those who were interviewed for HRQOL in the HEMO study had higher PCS scores—despite multiple and more severe co-morbidities than selfadministerers. This suggests that response bias (telling the interviewer what he/she might want to hear) can occur with staff administration of the survey.[1]

If you must complete the KDQOL-36 for a patient:

  • Speak loudly and clearly and verify that the patient can hear you.
  • Do not interpret items. Ask the patient to respond to what he or she believes it asks.
  • Repeat response options as often as needed, keeping any frustration out of your voice.


  1. ^ Unruh M, Yan G, Radeva M, Hays RD, Benz R, Athienites NV, Kusek J, Levey AS, Meyer KB; HEMO Study Group. Bias in assessment of health-related quality of life in a hemodialysis population: a comparison of self-administered and interviewer-administered surveys in the HEMO study. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2003 Aug;14(8):2132-41.
