About KDQOL Complete

Happy Flower


The KDQOL-36™ is reproduced here (in part or in its entirety) with permission from the RAND Corporation. Copyright © the RAND Corporation. RAND's permission to reproduce the survey is not an endorsement of the products, services, or other uses in which the survey appears or is applied.

The translations on this site are based on KDQOL-36™ developed and owned by the RAND Corporation, copyright © RAND. Although permission to translate the survey was granted by RAND, the translation itself has not been approved or reviewed by RAND. RAND's permission to reproduce the survey is not an endorsement of the products, services, or other uses in which the survey appears or is applied.

The case mix adjustment mean for the Mental Component Summary Score (MCS), Physical Component Summary Score (PCS), and the three kidney specific scores: Burden of Kidney Disease, Symptoms and Problems, and Effect of Kidney Disease were provided by Arbor Research Collaborative for Health. These data are part of the DOPPS III study.
